What's in the Baby's Hospital Bag?

The fact that I packed my own hospital bag before the baby's really does expose my pre-parent status...prioritizing my own needs, packing for myself first...it's a little worrying...

Still, I've done it! And it was a lot more fun than packing the grim contents of my own hospital bag I must say. Again, I have no clue if I'm taking too much or if there are some pivotal items that I haven't thought to add in so any glaringly obvious errors you might spot, please, do let me know. 
I watched Ruth's video of A Model Recommends and it looks as though I've packed similar things for the baby to her. I've packed everything into this Eastpak Delegate Bag which will also be what I use as the baby's changing bag. It's pretty decent. It has a load of compartments and zip pockets that a normal changing bag might but without the cutesy designs, which personally aren't for me and most definitely would not be for Ed. Come to think of it even this might be too much given that it's not a rucksack, which in case you didn't know is the ultimate symbol of masculinity.

1. Cotton Wool, Bepanthen Cream, Pampers Sensitive Baby Wipes
These are all the products I'm taking. Apparently you only really need water to clean a newborn so I'll stick to that until he get's a bit older. Unless he's like really dirty or something...
2. Baby Grows x2 
Both Newborn size, but one is definitely smaller than the other because who knows what size he will be. 
3. Size 1 Nappies x10
I don't know how many nappies babies use.
4.Vests x3
5. Fleece Blanket
£4.50 from Primark, for coming home.
6. Triangle Bibs x3
For sick and because they look really cool. I'm against round bottomed bibs. These are from M&S and I think I have every design they sell at this point. Oh god wait, I don't have these ones yet. 
7. MAM Bottle and Soother
I want to breastfeed, but I've heard you should take a bottle in in case the baby has problems latching on and you need to express..??
8. Going Home Outfit
This is from H&M and it's size 0-1M. It looks like it would fit a new baby, so I'm going with it.
9. Burp Cloths/ Muslin Squares
For sick and to maybe protect the cool bibs #preparentlogic
10. Swaddle Shell
This one is from Mamas and Papas. I got it in this haul where I think there is a link to buy it :)
11. Hats and Scratch Mitts
These hats look way too big to me. They're from Primark and I doubt I'll use them, but then again maybe he'll have a really massive head.

Have I missed anything? Does the baby need a towel??



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