Third Trimester Food Diary Friday #7

Food Diary Friday #7

10:00am- Breakfast
Bowl of Blueberry Wheats
Peach Petit Filous 
Coffee with milk
Prenatal Vitamin 

2:30pm - Lunch
2x Wholemeal Pitta Bread Toasted with Peanut Butter
Diet Coke

8:30pm- Dinner
Beef Burger and Bacon in a Cheesy Roll with Tzatziki Salad, Pickled Beetroot and Coleslaw
Ginger Beer and Orange 

10:00pm- Snack
Options Belgian Hot Chocolate


I can't believe I'm 37 weeks pregnant this week. This is wild. All symptoms associated with making eating difficult I experienced in previous weeks have now disappeared and have been replaced simply with THE HUNGER. The extreme, out of control, unstoppable hunger that only hard carbs can satiate. I didn't experience morning sickness as such in my first trimester, I just got nauseous if I didn't eat regularly enough. In the beginning only cheesy oatcakes and dry cereal would make THE HUNGER go away. Now it's bread. All the bread. And Blueberry Wheats.

So this is what I ate today. Nutritionally, it's not ideal, but it tasted so good. I've kind of given in to my body this last week and let it dictate what I eat and how much. It's not been the best of weeks but throughout my pregnancy I've tried really hard to be as healthy as possible and choose as much nutritional food over garbage as I could. I'm determined not to surrender to too many unhealthy cravings in these last few weeks, but at the same time I'm not going to beat myself up for munching down a whole pizza or a stack pitta bread this week...

Has anyone else experienced any changes in what they want to eat towards the end of their pregnancies? Leave a comment and let me know :)



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